TD3 in High Mountain | UIAGM

I was born in a small town of Liébana Valley in the winter of 1984. Thanks to the love of my parents for the countryside and the mountaineering, I have known many of the deepest corners of the Picos de Europa and the Cantabrian Range since I was a child.

After many years gaining experience as a climber and mountaineer on different mountains, in 2007 I finished my University Studies and passed the exams to start the Mountain Guides formation. Since then I have developed my profession as a full-time Guide, Teacher and Instructor.

Academic and Professional Curriculum:

  • Bachelor of Environmental Sciences.
  • High Mountain Guide UIAGM, Climbing Guide and Canyoning Guide (Nº546 AEGM).
  • Courses: "First Aid and Mountain Rescue", ACNA 2 (Association for the Knowledge of Snow and Avalanches).
  • More than 300 guided ascents.
  • Professor in the formation of Mountain and Climbing Guides (CEDEC, IES Pobla de Segur)
  • Instructor in the training of the Firemen of Santander and the staff of several ski stations.
  • Team member of +8000.


positive review  Cazadora para monte 200,Botas para monte100e,pantalon de montaña50,para todo lo demas fernando Zamora,simplemente el mejor!!!!

Oscar Madrazo Salmon Avatar Oscar Madrazo
27 January, 2018

positive review  Gran experiencia y grandisimo profesional.

Jose Felix Fernandez de Ponga Avatar Jose Felix
11 September, 2018

positive review  Una pasada, estoy en puertas de los 63 tacos y realizamos la rabada navarro del picu. No tengo palabra, me llevo como el que se toma una caña, tardamos con las reuniones algo mas de 7 horas de escalada efetiva y tiempo real en pared alrededor de 10. Gracias a su buen hacer evito grandes lios a otra cordada Todo lo que yo pueda decir es poco... es mas, quizas vuelva para hacer la murciana 78 con el. GUIA CON MAYUSCULAS (MONTAÑERO)

Ricardo Vela del Valle Avatar Ricardo Vela
6 July, 2020

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